Explore. Dream. Discover

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour and catch the wind in your sails.

Monday 22 May 2023

Bristol to Llantwit Major

Bristol Saturday Rest Day

So as they say, there is no rest for the wicked and as such, after eating our freshly baked croissants by the pool we set out for a little bike ride taking in some of the local beauty spots  First port of call was the decommissioned nuclear power station at Oldbury, followed  by the Picnic site at Sharpness Docks. Not a lot there  really and Sharpness village didn’t fare much better, best described as a one horse town where the horse has ###### off. Eventually we found a pub for some liquid refreshment and a spot of lunch.

We navigated our way back to Villa Olli via the White Hart in Olveston where we encountered some proper cyclists who had just cycled from Hay on Wye  a mere 90km away. 
Another hot tub and drinks session was followed by a superb meal of Boeuf Bourguinon cooked by our very own hostess. The evening got a little hazy after all the exertions of the day so bed seemed a good option at midnight.

Bristol to Newport Sunday

I knew at some point I would need to make a decision as to whether to continue to Lands End or break off and make my way home. I hadn’t arranged any transport back from Lands End and with another up and coming Bank Holiday weekend it would be difficult for me to find accommodation and to get home in time  for me to head off to Majorca with Sue , if I continued. So I made the decision to ride home with the intention to complete the last section from Bristol to Lands End later in the year. The weekend had been a fitting end to the journey so far and Richard, Sanna & Einar’s generosity in arranging it, was quite simply, overwhelming. So a massive thanks to them! 
We bid each other farewell and Einar high tailed it back to Highgate whilst Richard , Sanna & I made our way to Chepstow. They got there before me strangely enough as their electric car goes faster than my electric bike. 

A quick drink in Chepstow and they headed back to Liphook whilst I struck out for Newport. Of all the towns and cities that I’ve visited on this trip, Newport must take the dubious accolade of being my least favourite. Why? Knob head young drivers in high powered cars trying to race each other on public roads and weed smelling hooded youths hurtling about streets on motorbikes pulling wheelies without any helmets, to name just two reasons … oh and the burnt out caravan at the side of the A 48 and… the list is endless… thank goodness for the sanctuary of the Premier Inn! 

Newport to Llantwit Major Monday

The A48 is not the place to be in the rush hour on a Monday morning but I had little choice. Squeezing in between the taxis and the busses was like taking part in the Whacky Races. It was with relief that I made it to Culverhouse Cross and the relative safety of the Vale of Glamorgan, I was nearly home.  Time to pop in to the Racetrack Cafe for some breakfast where the regular motorcyclists had shown great interest in my trip before I left  3 weeks ago. So I'd made it... and according to my tracking app...80.5 hours cycling, 1442kms covered and 11,910m ascended. Other stats of significance...no punctures, one whole day of rain, one afternoon of rain and one morning of rain, one electrical switch issue and one falling off incident!

I've now got to decide when to do the last leg from Bristol to Lands End and figure a way of getting back. The highlights of this trip have been many, the scenery, the friends who have cycled with me or accommodated me and the freedom of the open roads. And of course a special thanks to Sue for letting me be away for 3 weeks... although I secretly suspect she enjoyed a tidy house.


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Having experienced one of the worst summers in living memory, weather wise, there was some degree of optimism when the idea of cycling in ...