Explore. Dream. Discover

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour and catch the wind in your sails.

Monday 10 July 2023

Bristol to Tiverton

 Bristol to Glastonbury Sunday 8th July

Malcolm had kindly agreed , possibly in a moment of madness which he is prone to on occasions, to drive me to Bristol to start the final leg of my JOGLE tour. He had also agreed to pick me up in Lands End in a week, so never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I gleefully accepted his offer! 

We left Lancing at 0530 in the morning and before setting off, feasted on bacon butties which Malcolm had prepared the night before. My departure point in Bristol was Edemo Bikes in The Paintworks, my bike’s spiritual home and where it gets serviced rather frequently! 

Waving farewell I followed NCR3 out of the city and headed for Chew Valley Lake before the steep climb up to Priddy in the Mendip Hills where I stumbled across a folk festival! Ignoring the beer tent I opted for a coffee and a mooch round. The Morris dancers were a man down for their lunchtime performance but with time pressing, I had to decline their kind offer to join them.

A very steep descent to Wookey Hole didn’t allow me time to explore the natural limestone caverns but I did take time to stop in Wells, England’s smallest city and first Methodist circuit to one Reverend Joseph Dennis Cope in 1950. As a young Minister starting his career he befriended a local Dairy farmer and Methodist Local preacher by the name of  Michael Eavis… ring a bell? 

Whilst listening to the cricket overlooking Wells Cathedral I was approached by an American gentleman who was admiring my bike so when he asked me where I’d cycled from, rather than saying Bristol , I thought I’d impress him so said John O’Groats . He had no idea where that was … so deflated, I headed for Glastonbury , losing a glove en route to add insult to injury. 

Glastonbury to Tiverton Monday 10th July

A hearty breakfast was consumed although I have to say the bacon was a little underdone! The route followed NCR 3 along the flat marches between Glastonbury and Bridgewater. The wind had strengthened and I now realised why most sensible people cycling the End to End , start at Lands End due to the SW prevailing winds! 
Just outside Bridgewater I met a young couple from London who were starting their LEJOG. They kindly reminded me that the hilly bits were yet to come ! 

Bridgwater to Taunton was a breeze… mainly into my face! So I stopped to glimpse some cricket as I passed the Joel Gardener Gates in Taunton. Somerset we’re not doing very well, 44 for 4 according to some passing youths as I peered through the gates! 

Shortly after this the rain started! Drizzly and ever pervading so the high hedges offered me a little protection as I scooted along the canal tow paths to eventually arrive in Tiverton. 

Staying in the Tiverton Hotel & Lounge I bumped into a couple of guys in their 70’s who were doing LEJOG, on their way to the bar… I was tempted to join them but tomorrow’s another big day! 

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Having experienced one of the worst summers in living memory, weather wise, there was some degree of optimism when the idea of cycling in ...